Do you remember grooving to the Paula Abdul song, “Opposites Attract?” Well, that song instantly came to mind as I read articles recently on 2024 business trends. The predominant themes being highlighted were opposites: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Touch.

Group Employees Around Computer

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Touch

AI is everything that human touch is not – calculated by an algorithm, computer-generated, and although extremely efficient, it lacks personality. Where human touch is thoughtful and individualized and can certainly be time-consuming. The integration of these two trends may be the sweet spot every business is looking for: predictions and suggestions from AI and unique personalization from human touch. Hear me out. Let’s separate them and delve deeper to add context.

When it comes to AI, we live in a world where we have more data than we know what to do with. We all recognize that the most precious gift we have is time, so if data can give back time, why not use it?

As for human touch, organizationally the world is still figuring out life post COVID. With a return-to-work trend underway and a reinvention of both the customer and employee experience, human interaction is finding its way back into daily lives, albeit in an awkward, growth type of way.

Artificial Intelligence in HR

How is your organization adopting AI and Human touch into their business protocols?

  • Have you found your sweet spot between the two?

  • Are you taking “two steps forward” or “two steps back?”

Integrating AI and human touch can be a powerful intersection, with AI offering predictive and generative suggestions, and human touch providing a uniqueness. One supplies a template while the other makes it feel personal.

At Lakeside HR Group, we’ve begun to adopt both and are learning to carry them into how we run our business and how we interact with our clients and employees. We are committed to the customer experience and making each one feel unique and at the same time, we look to AI tools and automation to support efficiency needs.

About Lakeside HR Group

We are a premier full-service HR Consulting and Recruiting firm connecting people and businesses through personalized services. Our boutique firm of experienced HR professionals specializes in tailored HR services for small to midsize businesses. Our clients partner with us to find the best talent and support solutions to help their businesses thrive.

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